Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Swimming Costumes

 Our learners were all looking smart and ready in their SJMC swimming costumes.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Break time

 Break time with my friends, I get to chat, eat and relax with my friends. 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Learning new ways to move our bodies ⭕

 Coach Hilton always has new and interesting skills to teach us. This day we enjoyed the perfect weather and space of the field to practice some locomotion. It's really something to see facilitation lead to achieving something new. Watch coach Hilton lead one of the junior learners open a new movement pathway, then see the whole Unit practice their new found skill.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Shrove Tuesday, the special day before Ash Wednesday

It is called Shrove Tuesday because Christians would go to church on that day to be Shriven. Shriven is an old word and it means that people had to confess all the things that they knew they had done wrong. The priest would bless the people, then they would go home and make pancakes using all the rich and fatty foods ready for.

Bless the hands that made our pancakes today and bless everyone's intentions as we make our way towards this Holy time. Peace be with you 🕊

Monday, February 20, 2023

A moment of peace and prayer 🕊



Our Senior Class enjoyed their Religious Education class in the special RE room with Mrs Smith. They had  their lesson in that special room and enjoyed the quiet and comfort. They focused on mediation, mindfulness and prayer. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Horsing Around at SARDA

 Yesterday, our learners got to have their first experience riding their horses at SARDA. They practiced mounting, dismounting, exercises with various equipment and they even got to help adjust their stirrups. Above you can see one learner celebrating her first riding lesson with a big cheer and at SARDA it's not just the horses that offer love and therapy in motion, above you can also see our learners gathering around their trainer's dog "Shiba" to tickle and touch her.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Art from the heart


The Senior Class enjoyed a colourful session in art. They worked with delicate colours in water paint and created to their hearts content. 

Have a look at these lovely pics

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Getting energised with Coach Hilton

The first look at our weekly PE sessions with Coach Hilton. Both classes join together every Wednesday and this week they did some athletics drills. Above you can see the learners listening with rapt attention to the instructions for the drills and our end of session Red Rover ball skills game. 

Monday, February 6, 2023

Getting started with Robotics

 Last Friday saw our junior learners getting started with their Robotics lessons. The learners had fun matching, ordering and making patterns with the cards and getting their friends to follow the steps. Looking forward to the start of computer work this week...

Friday, February 3, 2023

Matric Induction Ceremony

Today's ceremony was filled with tears of joy as we watched all the matrics and their parents participate in a morning of celebration. We were proud to see Simon represented in this group. 

We wish our Matrics all the best for the year ahead. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Computers with Ayanda


Senior learners were taught how to connect a computer using all the different cables. While working in their groups they assisted one another to make sure that everything was connected properly. To view more pics click: Computers with Ayanda

Class Work


Early morning English lessons begin with a session of the Jolly Phonics Programme.

To view more pics click: 2 Feb class work